

December 13, 2021

The 4 Elements At Vizcaya Museum and Gardens

The 4 Elements – Earth, Air, Fire, Water

I am so excited to be branching out even further into the world of fashion, and this shoot of the four elements at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens was so therapeutic and inspiring for me! One of the biggest parts about being an artist is the excitement of new places. It opens up creativity and I am able to see everything with fresh eyes. That inspiration leads to unparalleled images because it comes from a place of deep creative passion and inspiration. I hope that you are inspired to lean into your art, your creativity, and push your boundaries because when you do, amazing things will come from it.


For the first element, earth, I chose the lush green vines with multiple layered archways so you can feel the depth and the growth.  It may have been a hot Miami day, but I would go back every day to be able to create this art and be surrounded by such amazing beauty. The greenery filled gazebos at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens were the absolute perfect spot for earth to come alive.


Air is the second element of our shoot. We wanted to highlight the beautiful stillness and simplicity of air. Free from distraction, air gives a sense of freedom. It can be peaceful, refreshing and uninhibited.


Fire is fierce and beautiful. It is intoxicating and mesmerizing. Don’t be afraid to be bold because although fire is dangerous and can be scary, it brings new growth. 


Water is powerful, beautiful, and life giving. Full of movement and fluidity, it dances for us in the form of waves, rain, and waterfalls. Don’t let your work be stagnant. Embrace the power of movement and fluidity and let it take you to new places. With all of its natural water based structures, it was hard to narrow down the perfect spots at Vizcaya Museum and Gardens.



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